Online Resources
These Online Resources are restricted to Villisca city residents and Villisca's rural Montgomery County residents.
Please contact the library that serves your address area for access to the Online Resources available from your local library.
Brainfuse is the online resource provider for career services, test prep, and software tutorials for Iowa libraries and Iowa Work Centers. From academic tutoring to career coaching, Brainfuseoffers innovative services designed to meet patron needs. The State Library provides Brainfuse at no cost to Iowa libraries and Work Centers through a state appropriation from Iowa Workforce Development.
Bridges is the eBook, audiobook, and streaming video buying consortium for Iowa public libraries. The State Library facilitates the program and manages the contract on behalf of the participating libraries. Libraries that participate in Bridges pay an annual fee based on a formula to the State Library that covers the Overdrive platform fee, materials budget, and the purchase of MARC records.
Foundation Directory Online
Foundation Directory Online is a research tool to help libraries and nonprofits find the grantmakers most likely to fund their projects. This tool includes grantmaker profiles that provide a powerful summary overview of the funder's work along with all the pertinent details fundraisers need to find and approach great prospects. The directory can be used by public libraries themselves and also offered as a resource in the library to patrons and local nonprofits.
The State Historical Society of Iowa and the State Library of Iowa have teamed up to offer access to, one of the world’s largest online newspaper archives. Save, organize, and easily share your discoveries with a free personal account. Create your free account today.


Foundation Directory Online